A Bit About your tutor

Your tutor, Tim Butler earned his First-Class Honours Degree in Contemporary Art from GMIT in 2019. He studied Photography, Printmaking and Painting before specializing in Sculpture, Ceramics and Digital Media and achieved an academic achievement award in both 2018 & 2019. He is a Multi-disciplinary Artist who has had the privilege of exhibiting at K-Fest and also the prestigious RDS Visual Arts Awards as a shortlisted finalist and has been awarded numerous residencies. You are in good hands.
Tim is also a full time qualified Tutor delivering City & Guilds courses for Tipperary ETB and holds all necessary trainer and TAQA certifications

So why Pottery?
Well why not?

This is an image of what is known as "The Mitchelstown Face Cup".
This remarkable piece of pottery dates back to the Bronze Age so it's about 4,000 years old..
This ceramic vessel was recovered from just outside Mitchelstown by the Gradoge River (near the bypass). It is just one of 3 pottery vessels excavated from the site and it is the most remarkable. Nothing like this has ever been found in Ireland before and I find it truly awe inspiring to think that someone sat by the river and formed this vessel so long ago. Not only did they make this cup but also a ceramic spoon.
All of this was done without the aid of a potters wheel or an electric kiln.
So what are you waiting for? If they could do it back then with primitive clay and no electricity, imagine what you can achieve with a little help from me.
Take that first step. We may not be here tomorrow so enjoy your life and book a class TODAY.

At Whitebridge you will be free to create in a relaxed setting. Time will just drift away. Bring your ideas or just bring yourself and let the magic happen.
Let the clay and your fingers, direct the results.
You will be amazed at what you will learn. You will Never regret your time spent learning. Why not bring a friend and enjoy the fun together?